Two random birdlike concepts. The left one started with some scribbles without much thought and it turned into a vaguely wrathlike thing, and it just developed from there.
It’s a ram
I’ve been able to head out east a couple times recently, and took some photographs and videos of the farms there. I’m so happy to have my own source chicken material! Before this I only had the chicken encyclopedia. Though, the encyclopedia is great for exotic breeds of chickens, which we don’t have here. I believe this one is called an American Buff it’s a Buff Orpington. Incidentally, such a thing as an American Buff exists, but it is a goose and not a chicken. Wonder how I got that mixed up o.o
I’m not sure of the name of this one, it kind of looks like it could be a couple different breeds to me, need to find out (think I need to work on this image a little more, too). It looks like it could be a Cochin … ah, I need a chicken expert.
Oh! I have to talk about these chickens. So we met these chickens during an annual event that, out east, is known as, “Chicken Day.” :) It tickles me to say that we went to “Chicken Day,” haha. Anyway, it’s called that because it’s the time of the year when they have all the new hatchlings to sell. They’re shipped from the midwest, I think the hatchery is in Iowa or Ohio. So there were so many little chicks, they were sooo adorable :)
Then they also had a bunch of adult chickens, and asides from looking very healthy and happy, these were the tamest chickens we’ve ever seen! You could pet them and they would just kind of sit or squash down, letting you pet them. They were like dogs! Giant bird dogs! Ahaha.
Yes, I love chickens. It’s a … thing.
Moving on:
Another random concept
Testing another brush I made
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